Top 10 Best Starter Templates Website Templates

FreeOnlineEdu Next.js Starter Template Image

Discover the remarkable OnlineEdu Next.js Starter Template, an elegant and resource-rich online school website framework that saves time, streamlines expenses, and offers captivating features to elevate your educational institution.

FreeArchitectUI React Dashboard Free Image

ArchitectUI React Dashboard Template is the free, open source version of our premium admin template: ArchitectUI React PRO Theme.

FreeGatsby Starter Wordpress Homepage Image

Create a homepage using Gatsby and WordPress. This starter demonstrates how to use WordPress to build a homepage and can be customized to match your own visual branding.

FreePortfolio 2 Next.js Starter Template Image

Portfolio 2 Next.js Starter Template: Your creative springboard, featuring striking design, predefined layouts, and essential features for agencies and freelancers. Elevate your business to new heights.

FreeGatsby Starter Sanity Homepage Image

Create a homepage using Gatsby and Sanity. This starter demonstrates how to use Sanity to build a homepage and can be customized to match your own visual branding.

FreeSintec Nextjs Starter Template Image

Sintec Next.js Starter Template is a modern and flexible website template for construction companies, built on Bootstrap, Next.js, and React.

FreeBusicol Next.js Starter Template Image

If you're in search of a small business website template, look no further than the remarkable Busicol Next.js Starter Template.

FreeArchitectUI Angular 11 Dashboard Free Image

ArchitectUI Angular 11 Dashboard Template is the free, open-source version of our premium admin template: ArchitectUI Angular 11 PRO Theme.

FreeOnePro Nextjs Starter Template Image

OnePro Nextjs Starter Template is a free template designed for business landing pages, which aligns with the growing trend towards one-page web designs.

FreeArchitectUI Dashboard Vue Free Image

As a base framework, ArchitectUI Vue is powered by @vue/cli version 3.4.1 and Bootstrap 4 Vue implementation (